Carol was sponsored by BEADS when she was in grade 5.
Now she is an English teacher at the BEADS High School. Your support made this possible.
Listen to her story.
Please consider donating to help us meet COVID-19 requirements issued by the Kenyan Ministry of Education for opening school.
School Health Inspection by Ministry of Education $1,890, Computers to College Students Studying at home due to Covid 19 $1,000, Rent & Food money to Families of Students affected by Covid 19 $1,200, Workshops for Girls on Covid 19 Sensitization $750, Online Learning Phones and Tablets for Students at Home $900, Solar panels for Charging Phones for Students without Electricity at Home $500, Airtime to Students for Online Learning $200, Staff Workshops for Covid Awareness $275, Private Transportation for Staff living in towns prone to Covid-19 $390, Covid 19 Isolation Room Construction $1,000, Staff Covid-19 Testing Cost $515, 5 Washing Stations $250, Hand Sanitizers $360, Hand Washing Soaps $200, Face Masks $120, Thermometers $380, Fire Extinguishers $1000
TOTAL $10,930
Thank you for your support and any assistance you can provide will be greatly appreciated.